Thursday, October 2, 2008

Proposed Gestures - perform daily [or as needed]

On the eve of your next crit...

1. present works without attachment to the creator.
2. ignore the work and criticize the artist.
3. walking crits – map your journeys, crit lasts as long as walk does
4. standing still crits in which you cannot move
5. playground of responsive crit instruments, response through practice
6. dark room crit, communication via morse code
7. speak + present in no native language
8. choose one language to present, not English
9. create new methods
10. criticize methods and vote on how successful they were
11. nighttime crit -> wake-up in morning and write response
12. respond instantly

13. the construction and use of a “crit bed”
14. trampoline w/ crit words uttered only while in the air
15. artist talks only
16. Build and install a bullshit detector, announce prominently that you'll be turning it on.
17. menu of critics
18. prep-materials for critics
19. anonymous authorship / masquerade crits
20. stenographer
21. a little critique each day
22. pay for the priviledge to crit
23. bounty placed on crit - 100SEK for constructive negative crits
24. send work home with critic
25. art critics not artists
26. build up crit over time

27. People – a group of ordinary people similar to a jury +1 professional
28. Space – cozy environment (sofas, round seating, etc.)
29. Time – multiple crit sessions with gaps in between – no ideal time frame
30. System – go beyond the verbal expression (write down, draw immediate thoughts and project them on a screen) & restrictions on language (banning the use of terms related to the speaker's "comfort zone")

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